Cat Calling vs. Authentic Acknowledgement 

Cat Calling vs. Authentic Acknowledgement 

YES, men can compliment/admire a woman they don’t know and have it resonate... ✨ 

The key that allows it to light women up, instead of repel us, is all in the energy the admirer comes to us with. (Delivery helps, of course, but the energy is what carries the essence.) 

Cat Calling (and leering): 
- misplaced sexual energy 
- aggressive 
- assumes entitlement to a woman’s body 
- non-discerning and low level 
- often a power play 
- from an energy of taking 
- misaligned 

Authentic Acknowledgement: 
- stemming from gratitude 
- in an energy of giving 
- coming from genuine appreciation and admiration 
- offered with discernment and intention 
- high level and aligned 
- no expectation 
- honors the receiver 

Men, when you’re feeling drawn to acknowledge/admire a woman while out and about, please check in with yourself first and see where your energy is. 

Is it coming from an aligned space? 

Are you honoring her [and, in doing that, yourself as well]? 

What is your intention? 

Because of the negatively charged cat calls that most women have experienced, many completely shut down to even healthy receiving... 

To self-protect, they’ve numbed their ability to receive from the masculine and lump both aligned/misaligned energy together, shunning admiration entirely. 

This is where our work comes in, sisters. I invite you to learn what it is like to receive from a safe, aligned, genuine source. (Which may get to start with men in your inner circle and then eventually branch outward). 

Men, please note that, because of an experience(s) a woman may have had, she might not be receptive whatsoever, even if you come to her with aligned energy. This is okay. She’s in her process. I invite you to not take it personally and honor this. 

(Note: Yes, women can obviously cat call too. I personally have never experienced that myself, though, nor have references of friends having experienced it, so I’m sticking in my wheelhouse for this post. If you’re familiar with women cat calling and are comfortable sharing, you are welcome to.?) 

Words: Andrea E Nicholas 
Photo: Two Thirds Honey