What you are offering to this world is not 
able to be replicated, duplicated, 
or competed with. 

While the transmissions 
you give may not be obvious 
on the surface, they are a constant, 
powerful undercurrent, that flows 
into each and every person 
you interact with. 

These codes are what 
imbue you and your work 
with uniqueness. They are what 
make you irreplaceable, since no one 
else can embody the exact codes you do. 

If we look at it in black and white, it may 
appear that you and another are 
offering, saying, or creating 
the same thing. 

when we open 
our eyes to see in 
the full spectrum of 
colors, it becomes obvious 
that there is this entire other layer. 
And this layer creates a unique 
piece of art - a soul offering 
that is exclusive 
to solely 

Those who seek these codes - even 
if they are completely unaware 
of this subtle pull - will 
be drawn to you. 

Trust the unfolding, 
embody your ancient truths, 
recognize your deep inner knowing 
and be an open vessel.