I just received my first nude photo from a follower...AND I AM BEYOND HAPPY ABOUT IT! ?

I just received my first nude photo from a follower...AND I AM BEYOND HAPPY ABOUT IT! ??? 

Here is why... 

You may have felt how deeply 
passionate I am about: 

holistic embodiment, 
unhindered expression, 
pleasure reclamation 


wholly embracing our holy bodies... 
which looks in part like coming 
into love with our 
n a k e d 
f o r m 

Well, it inspired a gem of a woman 
to step outside her comfort zone 
and go au natural... 

She snapped a CENSORED 
(as much as I love you all, 
I'm not opening up a nude 
art show in my inbox!) 
photo and sent it my way, 
sharing how inspired she felt! 

This made my day. ? 

To know that one more sister 
is feeling liberated in her body & 
embracing her inner wild woman... 

How do you feel about your 
n a k e d n e s s 
my loves? 

Something else entirely? 

(P.S. Naturally, I'm going 
to honor her privacy and 
not post her photo...so this 
one is a supplement from 
my recent trip to Greece. ?)


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